General information
Country representation in JPI MYBL
+ Austria
The Austrian Federal Ministry for Science, Research and Economy (BMWFW) is amongst others responsible for research in SSH. JPI MYBL is under the responsibility of department V/10 (Arts and Humanities – Social Sciences). The Austrian delegate for SC6 in H2020 is also part of this department. The researchers in the national networking platform on demographic change “Netzwerk Altern” are available for advice to the BMWFW. The members of the interministerial working group on life quality and demography are informed about JPI MYBL and national positions in JPI MYBL are coordinated with them (for example the cooperation with the BMVIT in the JTC 2017).
+ Belgium
The interfederal coordination group has accepted that BELSPO would be the leading party and join the General Assembly as a full member.
+ Canada
The government of Canada is investing in research to promote senior’s health and well-being. Through the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), the government of Canada’s research funding agency, between the fiscal years of 2011-12 and 2015-16, CIHR invested over $517 million to support research on aging, including over $88 million in 2015-16 alone. The supported research includes topics related to mobility in aging, late life issues and palliative care, age-friendly communities, and technological innovations.