General information
National view on Demographic Change
+ Austria
Demographic change is mentioned as a grand challenge in the Research Organisation Act on federally subsidised research, technology and innovation in Austria (RTI Strategy).
+ Belgium
Belgium is a federal state in which the Communities (Flemisch and French-speaking) have competencies over science. The federal level is competent for science within and in support of its own competencies. In this respect, the JPI MYBL is touching upon a large number of federal competences: health, social security, pensions, labour market etc. Therefore, in the Interfederal coordination groups on science, it is the federal who is keen on following the JPI MYBL very closely and participate in the GA as a member on behalf of Belgium.
+ Canada
The government of Canada is committed to supporting seniors in living healthy, active and independent lives. In 2035, Canada will join the ranks of the super-aged countries, i.e. more than 30% of the population over the age of 60. In recent years, the number of Canadians aged 60 and over surpassed the number of those aged 15 and under. In addition, the number of the “oldest old” (those aged 85 and over), particularly the centenarians, is booming as never before. The overall life expectancy has now reached 83 years for women and 79 years for men, and the healthy life expectancy in Canada has increased as well, but not at the same pace. More than 30% of Canadians aged 85 and over have three or more chronic diseases, which places an immense pressure on Canada’s health care systems, particularly in a context where Canadians are working later in life and wish to age at home. By far, the most feared health condition in aging is dementia, and the rapidly increasing number of cases of dementia in Canada results in significant financial costs and puts a growing burden on carers and families. Canada as a nation is comprised of several levels of government including federal, provincial/territories, and municipal, each of which has its specific role to play in contributing to programs, research and policies related to the health of seniors.