Data project

Care and life quality in care home

Omsorg og livskvalitet i plejeboligen


Strengths: The survey uses a well-documented method of data collection adjusted to the Danish context. The interviewers were well-trained in the ASCOT methodology to collect survey and observational data. See ASCOT’s website for other studies and references: Weaknesses: Small sample size and the documentation is only available in Danish.

Type of data

Data Source

Type of Study
Crosssection occasional

Data gathering method
Other: Face-to-face interviews and observational studies

Access to data

Conditions of access

Type of available data (e.g. anonymised microdata, aggregated tables, etc.)
Anonymised microdata and focus groups interviews

Formats available
SAS, SPSS, Stata


Coverage Years of collection, reference years, and sample sizes
Data was collected in 2011. Eight municipalities were chosen, not nationally representative, but chosen to ensure geographic distribution, large and small, city and countryside. Random selection of care homes in each of the municipalities was made with a random selection of 5-10 residents at each care home, depending on size. Total of 294 residents aged 65+ included in the study.

First year of collection

Stratification if applicable

Base used for sampling

Geographical coverage and breakdowns
Entire country

Age range

Statistical representativeness
Other, please specify

Coverage of main and cross-cutting topics
The survey covers care and quality of life operationalised in eight domains, including: control over daily life, personal care and wellbeing, food and drinks, housing, safety, activities, social contact and dignity.


The data collection is a pilot test of the ASCOT (Adult Social Care Outcomes Toolkit) in Denmark. ASCOT quantifies care-dependent life quality according to eight specific dimensions by combining survey and observational data.

Possibility of linkage among databases

Data quality

Entry errors if applicable


Consistency of terminology or coding used during collection
The data collection is a pilot test of the ASCOT (Adult Social Care Outcomes Toolkit) in Denmark. ASCOT quantifies care-dependent life quality according to eight specific dimensions by combining survey and observational data.


Contact information
Senior researcher Torben Fridberg

Herluf Trolles Gade 11
DK-1052 Copehagen K Denmark Phone: (+45)33480820
Email: tf(at)
Url: N.A.

Timeliness, transparency