Data project

Continuous leisure study

Continu Vrijetijdsonderzoek (CVTO)


Strengths: Two of the strengths of this survey are its optimal spreading of observations through time and the extensive questionnaire.

Type of data

Data Source

Type of Study
Survey different

Data gathering method
Other: CAWI

Access to data

Conditions of access
Cannot be downloaded directly

Type of available data (e.g. anonymised microdata, aggregated tables, etc.)
Anonymised microdata

Formats available
SPSS (default)


Coverage Years of collection, reference years, and sample sizes
Data were collected as follows: Wave 1: 2004/2005 Wave 2: 2006/2007 Wave 3: 2008/2009 Wave 4: 2010/2011 Wave 5: 2012/2013 The sample was composed by 350 individuals a week for 52 weeks. In total, 18,000 individuals participating in the weekly survey. Afterwards there is also another survey to indicate, among others, participation and frequency. The sample used in this survey was of 5,000 of people persons in total. Data collection is ongoing and is scheduled to continue at some point in the future.

First year of collection

Stratification if applicable
Contact data administrator (see contact information)

Base used for sampling

Geographical coverage and breakdowns
Dutch population in non-institutional households

Age range
No age restrictions

Statistical representativeness
Population representative

Coverage of main and cross-cutting topics
Detailed study of: Leisure activities (outside the own house, minimal duration 1 hour (including travel)).



Possibility of linkage among databases
Contact data administrator (see contact information).

Data quality

Entry errors if applicable
Survey errors. Data is checked for quality.

Methodological improvements introduced in 2006/2007 and also in 2010/2011 for the expenditures.

Consistency of terminology or coding used during collection
Consistent method, only 2004/2005 is less comparable to the other editions due to improvements in the questionnaire after the first edition.


Contact information

NBTC-NIPO research
Prinses Catharina - Amaliastraat 5
2502 JL Den Haag Netherlands Phone: 003170 370 5296

Timeliness, transparency
Data is collected biennially and is released 6 months following collection.