Data project

Use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in Households

Einsatz von Informations und Kommunikationstechnologien (IKT) in Haushalten


Strengths: This survey has good linkage to the Austrian Microcensus and through its use of standardized classification, it makes international comparisons possible. The data is collected annually and information is disaggregated by age group. Weaknesses: Due to the voluntary nature of Eurostat's recommendation on survey design, it limits cross-national comparisons.

Type of data

Data Source

Type of Study
Crosssection regular

Data gathering method

Access to data

Conditions of access
Available to researchers by request to Statistics Austria. Requests must include name, position, institution, research project and requested database.

Type of available data (e.g. anonymised microdata, aggregated tables, etc.)
Anonymised microdata

Formats available


Coverage Years of collection, reference years, and sample sizes
Round 1: data collected in 2002. Round 2: data collected in 2005 with a sample size of 12,580 individuals. Round 3: data collected in 2006. Round 4: data collected in 2007 with a sample size of 8,878 individuals. Round 5: data collected in 2008 with a sample size of 7,064 individuals and an additional sample of 272 individuals between the ages of 12 and 15. Round 6: data collected in 2009 with a sample size of 6, 675 individuals. Round 7: data collected in 2010 with a sample size of 6,642 individuals. Round 8: data collected in 2011 with a sample size of 4,958 individuals. Round 9: data collected in 2012 with a sample size of 5,100 individuals.

First year of collection

Stratification if applicable
Stratified by region

Base used for sampling

Geographical coverage and breakdowns
All households in Austria with at least one inhabitant between the ages of 16 and 74

Age range
Population aged 16 to 74

Statistical representativeness
Population representative

Coverage of main and cross-cutting topics
Every year the overarching theme of the survey changes (eg. 2010: E-Security; 2011: E-Skills) Survey questionnaire is based on a list of questions recommended by Eurostat and consists of a set of questions posed to household members collectively, and another set addressed to each individual household member. Corresponds to Uses of Technology Topic



Possibility of linkage among databases
Part of and linked to Austria's Microcensus/labour force survey datasets

Data quality

Entry errors if applicable
Systematic plausibility checks of the data were performed, and interviews that were incomplete or interrupted were reviewed. At the microdata level, outliers were reviewed and compared with their corresponding values in the Microcensus. Comparison of main attributes are conducted from year-to-year; In carrying out imputations for unit-non-response, socio-demographic attributes are distinguished from the ICT attributes; Item-non-responses were imputed Data was weighted according to population by state (Bundesland), age and gender, and also according to state and nationality group.

No breaks reported

Consistency of terminology or coding used during collection
No breaks in terminology reported


Contact information
Nina Djahangiri
Statistik Austria - Data collected on behalf of the European Commission, Eurostat
Guglgasse 13
1110 Vienna Austria Phone: +431711287522
Email: nina.djahangiri(at)

Timeliness, transparency
The survey is conducted in the first half of each year and the report with main findings is available in October of the same year.