Data project

The register of municipal health services and medical care to the elderly and persons with impairment

Registret över kommunal hälso- och sjukvård till äldre och personer med funktionsnedsättning


Strengths This datasets provides good opportunities to assess and follow over time the provision of medical care for older citizens which is an important background material for further predictions and calculations of needs and costs. Due to the use of personal identification numbers, it is also possible to use data from several other datasets for focused studies. Weaknesses The in-report system comprises many actors working in different ICT-context, which might have impact on the quality of data.

Type of data

Data Source

Type of Study
Cohort study

Data gathering method

Access to data

Conditions of access
Downloaded files. This register is open to both health and social policy sectors as well as to research. Data is only available after specific application and decision of approval taken by the SNBHW.

Type of available data (e.g. anonymised microdata, aggregated tables, etc.)
Anonymised microdata, aggregated tables and other forms on request

Formats available
SNBHW usually provides Excel, SAS, SPSS, Text, (others could be used on request).


Coverage Years of collection, reference years, and sample sizes
The registry contains data on municipal health care interventions for elderly and disabled people. It provides input to official statistics and research, and has an extent of more than 300,000 people. The purpose of the register is to provide information on health care interventions for elderly and people with disabilities who municipality is responsible under § 18 Health Act (1982:763). The registry serves as the basis for research and to official statistics published twice a year on the National Board och Health and Welfare's website.

First year of collection

Stratification if applicable
National coverage

Base used for sampling

Geographical coverage and breakdowns
The whole country

Age range
All ages

Statistical representativeness
Special group, please specify

Coverage of main and cross-cutting topics
The personal identification number based statistics contain data on the number of older people receiving municipal health per month.


The International Classification of Diseases ICD is a statistical classification with diagnostic codes for grouping diseases and causes of death in order to make the limited statistical summaries and analyzes. The Swedish version is called ICD-10-SE.

Possibility of linkage among databases
Good opportunities to combine with other Swedish registries on social care and assistance for the elderly, on drug use. Also a number of registries monitored by Statistics Sweden on living conditions, work and income, social insurance etc.

Data quality

Entry errors if applicable
The quality of the register of municipal health services to the elderly and persons with disabilities is good. Partial non-response can be in the form of people with a stake not included in the reporting. The extent of this error is unknown. The reliability and the statistical quality of the data collected can vary between municipalities. The quality is associated with the local IT systems and how the various actions defined.

See above.

Consistency of terminology or coding used during collection
See above.


Contact information
Lina Boberg
Swedish National Board of Health and Welfare SNBHW
Rålambsvägen 3
11259 Stockholm Sweden Phone: +46-75-247 38 57
Email: lina.boberg(at)

Timeliness, transparency
Depends. Usually between 4-10 months.