Data project

Health 2000/2011 Health Examination Surveys

Terveys 2000/2011


Health 2011 is an 11-year follow-up survey for the Health 2000 survey (n=7964). The survey also included a new random sample of persons aged 18–28 (n=2000). Participation rate in the health examination 59% and at least one phases of the data collection 73%. The survey includes clinical measurements but has relatively low participation rate in the re-survey (Health 2011).

Type of data

Data Source

Type of Study

Data gathering method
Other: postal questionnaire, clinical measurements

Access to data

Conditions of access

Type of available data (e.g. anonymised microdata, aggregated tables, etc.)
Survey + clinical measurements, partly panel

Formats available


Coverage Years of collection, reference years, and sample sizes
Wave 1: Data collected in 2000 with a sample size of 8,028 individuals (30+ years) and 1,894 individuals aged 18-29. Wave 2: Data collected in 2011 with a follow up sample size of 7,964 individuals (29+) and a new random sample of 2,000 individuals aged 18-28.

First year of collection

Stratification if applicable

Base used for sampling

Geographical coverage and breakdowns

Age range

Statistical representativeness
Special group, please specify

Coverage of main and cross-cutting topics
The dataset contains detailed data on health status (perceived health, chronic illness, diseases, symptoms, medication), risk factors for chronic conditions, health behavior (alcohol/drug consumption, physical activity, sleep), functional capacity and working capacity, quality of life, disabilities and permanent injuries due to accidents, health promotion, use of medical care, met and unmet need for care, need for and use of help and rehabilitation, SES, living and working conditions, a selection of clinical measurements.



Possibility of linkage among databases
Possible to link to some of the major national registries (which were defined in the questionnaire) using the unique personal identification number.

Data quality

Entry errors if applicable

Those aged 80+ sampling probability was two times higher. Separate sub-sample for young adults aged 18–29 years (n=1894). In addition, 1260 subjects were re-invited who participated in the Mini-Finland Survey in 1978–80. High participation rate (87% of the sample).

Consistency of terminology or coding used during collection


Contact information
Pirkko Alha
THL, P.O. Box 30
FI-00271 Helsinki Finland Phone: +358 29 524 6000

Timeliness, transparency