JPI MYBL Projects: reports final conferences/symposia


It was a full day, with a lot of speakers and alternating between presentations and discussion. It was great to see that after 4 years, the people working in and with the consortium are still so motivated and passionate about the subject. There was a reflective moment on the retirement age moving up, while the life expectancy of some groups is getting longer, and other groups are lacking behind, is this fair? Additionally, a lot is unknown about the private pension rates, it is not well known how much people are saving during their lifetime for their pension for example. Of course, the gap between ‘the rich and the poor’ was discussed regarding life expectancy and retirement age.

The liaison of this project (Christine le Clainche, who is a member of the SAB) was present. She told me that the consortium is kind of ‘famous’ for their work in France, funny and something to be proud of. The speakers were very diverse, from different countries and different backgrounds, and the day ended with a policy round-table chaired by the project coordinator Antoine Bozio. It was good to see that policy makers were so involved in this meeting, because we have also been so keen on connecting researchers and policy makers for example during our knowledge sharing workshops.


The EUROCARE project launched reports from its wider findings – press release and link them below. The webinar they did was really comprehensive, and had a nice mix of academics and wider sector partners there.

Unpaid care has huge mental health impact and disproportionately affects low income households across Europe, report shows – News & Media – Latest News, Views & Opinions | Carers Trust

New research finds unpaid care has huge impact on mental health and affects low income households – Carers Trust


This interdisciplinary symposium aimed to explore the relationship between migration, care and intersecting inequalities within the post-pandemic geopolitical landscape of immobility regimes, crisis-driven displacement, care deficits and ageing populations. The symposium reflected on how paid and unpaid caring arrangements were shaped by intersecting inequalities in diverse migration and transnational contexts. Plenaries and papers addressed caring practices across the lifecourse, intersectionality and inequalities in access to formal care and social protection globally. These highly politicised and emotive issues posed key challenges and dilemmas for policymakers, practitioners and family members, as well as researchers and academics interested in transnational migration, care and social protection

During a plenary the key findings of the CAREWELL TF project and the following policy recommendations were presented:

  • Level out inequalities and differential treatment of refugees and other migrants
  • Expand definition of ‘family’ in reunification policies
  • Recognise children’s care work in transnational families and address whole family’s support needs.