Knowledge mobilisation EUROCARE project

Later-life caring in Europe: Findings from the EUROCARE Project

The intended audience for this policy report and webinar is broad, including those working in NGOs supporting carers and advocating for policies to support carers across Europe, policy makers in government (local and national level) and civil service, academics with a scientific interest in the topic, and carers themselves.

We hope that policy recommendations made in the report, and emphasized by Anita Vatland, CEO of Pårørendealliansen in Norway who acted as Discussant for the report at our webinar, will be considered by policy makers. We hope the timing of the launch, just before elections in both Europe and the UK, will be fortuitous. If so, results would be better support for unpaid carers at all stages of the life course.

We do not have a formal evaluation of the report launch or webinar, but we had about 75 attendees at the launch, received some social media attention and have had attendees get in touch to thank us for the event and the report. We launched a press release today but it is still too early to judge the reach of these outputs.

We will continue to work with our NGO partners, including Carers Trust in the UK, Pårørendealliansen in Norway and Eurocarers (member of JPI SOAB) to identify avenues for sharing this information.

About the team

The lead of this consortium is Anne McMunn, Professor of Social Epidemiology at University College London, Coordinator of EUROCARE Project.

The entire Eurocare team contributed to the content of this report. Baowen Xue at UCL led on writing the report and Morten Wahrendorf at the University of Dusseldorf presenting the results at the webinar. Anita Vatland from Pårørendealliance acted as Discussant and Rohati Chapman from Carers Trust acted as Chair.