Short summaries and main data of funded projects
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So far the JPI MYBL supported the following projects:
Third call
Third call on Ageing and Place in a digitising world: 8 projects funded
In the third Joint Transnational Call, launched in December 2016 and entitled “Ageing and Place in a digitising world“, the JPI MYBL has funded 8 projects:
- ACCESS: Supporting digital literacy and appropriation of ICT by older people. (Austria, Finland, Germany, Italy, Japan)
- COORDINATEs: TeChnology tO suppORt DecIsioN making about Ageing aT homE. (Canada, Sweden, The Netherlands)
- ORIENT: Use of care robots in welfare services: New models for effective orientation. (Finland, Germany, Sweden)
- VoiceAdapt: Voice Adaptive Training for older adults with Aphasia. (Austria, Canada, Germany)
- MCI@work: Dementia or mild cognitive impairment: @work in progress. (Canada, Finland, Sweden)
- HARVEST: eHealth and Ageing in Rural Areas: Transforming Everyday Life, Digital Competences, and Technology. (Finland, Italy, Sweden)
- BCONNECT@HOME: Being Connected at Home – Making use of digital devices in later life. (Canada, Spain, Sweden, The Netherlands)
- PAAL: Privacy-Aware and Acceptable Lifelogging services for older and frail people. (Canada, Germany, Italy, Spain, Sweden)
Second call
Second call on understanding welfare models: 5 projects funded
In the second Joint Transnational Call, launched in January 2016 and entitled “Welfare, Wellbeing and Demographic Change: Understanding Welfare Models”, the JPI MYBL has funded 5 projects:
- AgeWellAccounts: Age-Specific Wellbeing- and Transfer Accounts: Evaluating Intergenerational Support (Austria, France, Italy)
- CIRCLE: Care and Income Redistributive Cycles in the Lives of Europeans (Italy, Belgium, Spain)
- CREW: Care, retirement and wellbeing of older people across different welfare regimes (Spain, The Netherlands, Belgium, Italy, Canada)
- EMMY: European Welfare Models and Mental Wellbeing in Final Years of Life (Finland, Norway, Spain, Italy)
- WELTRANSIM: Demographic change and intra and intergenerational distribution: Modelling the impact of different welfare models (Spain, Finland, Austria)
First Call
First joint call on extended working life: 5 projects funded
In the first call for proposals, launched in 2015 and entitled ‘Extended Working Life and its Interaction with Health, Wellbeing and beyond’, the JPI MYBL funded 5 projects:
- WORKLONG: Impact of interventions and policies on prolonging working life in good health (The Netherlands, United Kingdom, Sweden)
- FACTAGE: Fairer ACTive AGeing for Europe (Belgium, Austria, United Kingdom, Germany, Spain)
- LONGLIVES: Policies for longer working lives: understanding interactions with health and care responsibilities (Germany, Denmark, France, United Kingdom)
- EXTEND: Extending working lives of an ageing workforce (Germany, Denmark, United Kingdom, The Netherlands, Finland)
- THRIVE: Tackling health inequalities and extending working lives (United Kingdom, Sweden, Canada, Denmark)