Policies for longer working lives: understanding interactions with health and care responsibilities (Germany, Denmark, France, United Kingdom)
Summary and overall aim
The project consortium focuses on 2key factors related to the interest among policymakers across Europe in extending working lives;the relationship of longer working with health and caring responsibilities. This project brings together expertise from 4countries to shed new light on how longer working lives might affect the health and well-being of the older population, and how caring responsibilities may affect individuals’ abilityto work for longer. A core focus of the work is understanding differences in these effects across the population and the resulting impact on inequality.This project has 3key strengths:
- The consortium brings together renowned publicpolicy experts fromdifferent countries, and exploitssignificant differences in the policies in place in eachcountry and over time, to examine the role ofpolicies and institutions in determining how longerworking lives affect health and care giving, and howthe effects differ across groups.
- The work exploits currently under-utilised,comparable multidisciplinary data across these fourcountries to better understand the multi-facetedcircumstances of the older populations and how theydiffer across countries.
- We use and improve existing detailed dynamicmicro-simulation models for each country to helpunderstand how the circumstances of the olderpopulation will evolve in each country and whateffect alternative policy regimes could have.
Project details
LONGLIVES particpated in the first call on ‘Extended Working Life and its Interaction with Health, Wellbeing and beyond’.
Project duration and budget
Project duration: March 2016 – February 2019.
Project costs/requested funding: €1.252.642
- German Institute for Economic Research (DIW Berlin),Germany.
Peter Haan (coordinator) - Danish National Centre for Social Research (SFI),Denmark.
Paul Bingley - Danish Rational Economic Agents Model (DREAM), Denmark.
- Paris School of Economics – IPP, France.
Didier Blanchet - Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS), United Kingdom.
Carl Emmerson