Ageing and place in a digitising world
Final seminar
The final seminar of this joint call will take place on April 19th and 21st 2022, time 1:30-5 CET. April 19th is dedicated to technology and learning, during which the following projects will be presented and discussed: ACCESS, VoiceAdapt, HARVEST, and ORIENT. April 21st of 2022 is dedicated to technology and place, during which BCONNECT@HOME, MCI@WORK, COORDINATEs, and PAAL will be presented and discussed. The project summaries can be reviewed in the booklet, which you can download below.
Aim of the joint call
This call is concerned with the ways in which the health and wellbeing of older people, at all stages of later life, is supported and promoted through the design of the social and physical environment, access to opportunities to learn, and the use of technologies of all kinds. The objective is seeking for innovative, transnational and interdisciplinary collaborative projects that nvestigate the potential of technology, place and learning in relation with the older population.
Research addresses the main topic of Technology and may also adress topics of Place and Learning, in relation with technology.
- Technology: How can existing and emerging technologies improve the quality of life, engagement and social integration of older people?
- Place: How do individuals experience the places where they live, work and interact with others, and how can learning and technology enhance or diminish their quality of life?
- Learning: How can opportunities for learning best be made available and accessible for older people, through public, private and third sector means?
Funded projects
In total eight projects are funded:
- ACCESS – Supporting digital literacy and appropriation of ICT by older people
- BCONNECT@HOME – Being connected at home: Making use of digital devices in later life
- COORDINATEs – Technology to support decision making about ageing at home
- HARVEST – EHealth and ageing in rural areas: Transforming everyday life, digital competences, and technology
- MCI@work – Dementia or mild cognitive impairment: @work in progress
- ORIENT – Use of care robots in welfare services: New models for effective orientation
- PAAL – Privacy-aware and acceptable lifelogging services for older and frail people
- VoiceAdapt – Voice adaptive training for older adults with aphasia