Dear JPI MYBL Community,
For all of us 2021 has been an ”unusual” year. In some way we got used to interacting through zoom and other video links (now who remembers telephone meetings…?) and to having the home as workplace. We tried to make the best of it and have accommodated to the unusual.
Despite the challenges, I think we can be very proud of what JPI MYBL has achieved the past year:
- Six research projects were funded in the Equality and Wellbeing across Generations joint call and started in the beginning of the year. In May the projects introduced themselves to the JPI MYBL community during the kick-off meeting. Read the report of the kick-off meeting >>
- We organized a productive workshop on health and social care – the challenges of policy integration. Most member countries were represented during this workshop which might result in a fast track project.
- The Knowledge sharing process, a new JPI MYBL activity, started this week. The focus of this first process is COVID-19 and loneliness. If successful, we hope that more topics will follow.
- The work of the oldest old has been going for some time. JPI MYBL contributed to the work of EXPLOORE to scale up the activity of this initiative. A platform for exploring Oldest Old Research across Europe was launched and a summary of the state-of-the-art research in this field will be published early next year.
In all these achievements the members of JPI MYBL’s advisory boards have played an important role, I want to thank them for their contribution and the way they execute their role in the JPI MYBL.
Next year, we will continue our work on policy integration, the knowledge sharing process and the oldest old. In addition we will organize the final seminar for the projects of our third joint call on Ageing and place in a digitising world. We are also together with other joint programming initiatives working on common activities for the coming year.
Let’s hope that with the return of meeting each other physically in 2022, we see each other soon. Wishing you all a merry Christmas and a happy new year!
Peter Allebeck