
Joint workshop on Ageing and Technology

On February 9-10 the JPI More Years Better Lives, the Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) programme and the European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST) organised a joint workshop on Ageing and Technology in Brussels.

The workshop aimed to bring together researchers and others involved in the AAL and MYBL communities with people involved in relevant COST networks, to discuss possible collaboration and provide a platform where new forms of collaboration can start and new networks can be formed. It was organised to boost the collaboration between the research community and developers of technology to provide better ICT-enriched living environments for older people and leading to technologies which are actually used by the target group. During the workshop gaps in current research and development work were identified, as well as areas where issues were already being addressed.
The joint meeting was also meant to inform about the objectives and funding opportunities in JPI MYBL and AAL Programme, and about the support which the COST programme can provide to fund large research networking activities on this topic.

More information:

• The joint workshop (report, related documents and presentations)



• Active and Assisted Living (AAL) Programme