
JPI Chairs Statement

Statement JPI Chairs: tackling societal challenges today and tomorrow

The chairs of the 10 Joint Programming Initiatives produced a statement about the future of joint programming. The aim of the statement is to bring attention to the relevance and added value of the JPIs focused on transnational research and development. This joint paper was written in the context of the interim evaluation of Horizon2020, but most of all in view of the next Framework Program (FP9).

The chairs state that ”JPIs have brought greater visibility to EU research and are recognized as contributing to the building of the European Research Area by creating new fora for countries to work together, and by developing cooperation among JPI countries and also with the EC. Moreover, JPIs are involving their respective key stakeholders for ensuring that research results will respond to those stakeholders’ needs. To date they are the most effective way to mobilise national research capacities for a more efficient coordination in addressing the Grand Challenges of our time. They are also the most successful European examples of transnational, long-term, mission-oriented RDI programmes. “

The statement was presented to the High Level Group of Joint Programming (GPC) in June 2017.

Read the whole statement